Another busy week ahead for the Grade 5W class...
- Tuesday ...our intermediate Science "Weather Adventure" begins, students are building weather instruments and will learn all about rain, snow, hail, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-10 for the next few weeks.
- Thursday...Grandparents and Pastor's Day
- Friday...fieldtrip to the Vancouver Museum...thank-you to all the parents who have volunteered to drive and chaperone--Mrs.DeBruin, Mrs.Flores, Mrs.Kam, Mrs.Makaj, Mrs.Nguyen, Mrs.Shew, please meet in the classroom by 9:30 a.m.
- In reading and writing, we will continue our novel study, Underground to Canada, and learn more about slavery, students are writing journals from the perspective of a slave.
- In Math, students are learning about perimeter and area, also we are reviewing basic math facts and operations.
- In Social Studies, we will begin a unit on citizenship and government in Canada.
- In Bible, we will begin reading I and II Timothy.
- In Physical Education, we are learning skills necessary to prepare for the track and field meet at Swangard Stadium in late May