Thursday, June 7, 2012

Year End South Africa Unit

Grade 5 students have started learning about South Africa this week.  Students have received a package of information and instructions.  First, students will have to research about the geography, history, culture, food and recreation, language and people, using both web and print materials. Students should complete their South Africa research package by Wednesday, June 13th.  Second, students will create their own brochures about South Africa. The brochures are due Wednesday, June 20th.  Finally, students will have an opportunity to share their brochures to the class on Thursday, June 21st.  Students should practice a brief presentation of their learning about South Africa to the class.

Here are some useful South Africa websites:

Time for Kids  South Africa Easy to Read... fun and interesting facts for students

South Africa a major tourist destination

PBS More detailed information about South Africa

South Africa History Detailed Timeline

People, culture, languages, ethnicity

Also, students were shown by Mrs.Sedan how to access the World Book for Kids website using the school's website and the LIBRARY BLOG.