Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Upcoming Events and Fieldtrips --Swangard, Victoria, and Science World

1.) Swangard Track Meet – this is an all-day event on Tuesday, May 28.  Usually only about half of the students in Grade 5 qualify and participate in this event; however, due to our small classes this year, the majority of students will participate in at least one event this year, and there would only be about a handful of students staying back at VCS. Therefore, we have decided that all Grade 5 students will attend the Swangard Track Meet, whether they are participating in an event or not.  
Those not participating in an event will either be helping me or Mrs. Gysbers with running an event and/or they will be in the stands cheering on their classmates and school.  A letter with more information was sent home this week.  Students have been told if they are participating and wrote this in their planner.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
2.)  Chaperones for the Victoria field trip on Friday, May 31st – Thank you for returning all of the permission forms for this field trip.  We stated that we will be taking 5 parent chaperones for each class, and so here are the parents that will be coming along:
  • 5W parents – Mr. Deo Santos, Mrs. Stephanie Huynh, Mr. Deepk Hayre, and Mrs. Eva Lau, and Mrs. Ragina Naidu
  • 5G/H parents – Mrs. Amanda Ho, Mr. Tom Tsang, Mr. Dave Port, Mr. Sam Leung, and Mrs. Rebecca Janke
We have sent a more detailed informational letter home regarding the Victoria field trip last week.
3) Walkathon--Friday, May 24th--Parent-Volunteers are needed from 12:30-2:30.  
4)Science World Fieldtrip--Friday, May 31st--A detailed permission letter will be sent home this week.  Please return the signed permission form by Monday, May 27th.   We will need parents to drive and supervise students on this fieldtrip.  Thank you.