Monday, September 16, 2013

Grade 5W News, Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Grade 5 Students and Parents:

A new school year begins...

This year's class is made up of twenty-three students.  I am excited to teach this year's enthusiastic, cooperative, and friendly group of individuals.  For the first couple of weeks, we have been learning and practicing classroom routines and procedures. 

Below is a weekly schedule of French, Music, Library, Computer, and Physical Education classes:

Mondays:  French

Tuesday: French, Music, Physical Education
Wednesday: Physical Education, Library
Thursday: Computer, French
Friday: Music, Physical Education

At the end of September students will receive a more detailed weekly schedule.

Here is a brief overview of homework this week:

Tuesday--revised copy of description of "Stanley", the character from Stanley's Party

Wednesday--Summer Collage project due
Thursday--Final Copy of Stanley description, students will read aloud to class
Friday--BMV quiz Genesis 1:1-2 (NLT);l Creation poster due also, Place Value quiz

Looking forward to seeing many parents this Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. for parent-teacher orientation,
