Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5W News April 28th to May 2nd

Here is a brief overview of our learning this week:

Spelling--Today, students received their marked spelling tests from Monday and got a new spelling list also. Test is on Friday, May 2nd.  In third term, students will be responsible for breaking down a word in syllables and identifying multi-letter phonograms.  Students will be required to write their spelling words in cursive.

Bible and Memory Work--Last week we had interesting class discussions about godliness and how we could be "godly" and "young" examples to others.  Today, students received a new Bible Memory,
I Timothy 5:1-4.  We have be reading I Timothy and learning about the Apostle Paul, his young apprentice Timothy, and the early church.  We will have a BMV test on Monday, May 5th.  Students should review writing their verses out in cursive. This week we will be focusing on Paul's instructions to Timothy regarding elders, young men and women, and widows.

Social Studies--After studying heritage, immigration, and citizenship, students will be learning about Canada's government.  Hopefully, this will prepare our students for their field trip to Victoria on June 5th.  Also, students read a current events article about Jim Flaherty, the former Finance Minister.  In our class discussions, we often refer to a world map and will be reviewing our knowledge of countries, continents, and oceans in preparation of the our school's "Around the World: Geography Challenge".

Science--Students have learned about natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Currently, students are working together to develop a conservation plan for our school.  We will share our best ideas of renewing, reusing, and reducing in class.

Math--Currently, we are in the middle of a measurement unit.  Students are learning about measurement terms, abbreviations, and skills, such as finding perimeter and area.

Writing, Reading and Novel Study--Students are reading the novel, "Underground to Canada", a story about a slave girl who escapes from a southern plantation in America and finds freedom in Canada.  Currently, we are on Chapter 10 and are learning about the Underground Railway.

Also, students wrote about the experiences of a slave and plantation owner while reading aloud in class the book, "From Slave Ship to Freedom Road", a powerful and moving story about the slave trade in America.  Often, students are encouraged to write from the perspective of a slave, slave owner, or abolitionist.

HACE and ART--After reading "A Hat for Ivan", students have been asked to create a hat that displays a possible future job or career that is consistent with their interests and talents.  Also, students have been encouraged to explore and research jobs that they may love through reading books in the library or searching websites on the computer.

Physical Education--Students are having opportunities to practice long jump, high jump, soft-ball throw and running in preparation for the up-coming Intra-School Track Meet on May 8th and the Track Meet at Swangard Stadium on May 27th.

Finally, a big thank-you to all parents who have volunteered to drive and chaperone for the Vancouver Museum field trip on May 7th.  This will be a great opportunity for students to experience what Vancouver was like when I was growing-up.


Grade 5 Teacher

5W Important Upcoming May Dates

Dear 5W Parents and Students:

Wednesday, April 30th--Early Dismissal 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 7th--Vancouver Museum Field Trip

Thursday, May 8th--Intra-School Track Meet

Friday, May 9th--Gloria Concert

Wednesday, May 14th--Class Picture Day, 1st Grade 5 Puberty Class

Friday, May 16th--Sports Day 9 a.m. to noon (Parents, please plan to pick-up your child at noon)

Monday, May 19th Victoria Day (No School)

Wednesday, May 21st--2nd Grade 5 Puberty Class

Tuesday, May 27th-- Grades 4-7 Track and Field Meet at Swangard Stadium

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Grade 5 Victoria Field Trip on June 5, 2014

Grade 5 Victoria Field Trip on June 5, 2014

Dear Grade 5 Parents/Guardians,                                                            April 23, 2014

            It is hard to believe, but the annual Grade 5 field trip to Victoria will soon be here!  We will be going to Victoria on Thursday, June 5, 2014. This trip includes visiting the BC Museum and the Legislature and fits into our Social Studies Government unit.  For this field trip, we will be leaving VCS at 7:00 a.m. SHARP and will return to the school around 7:15 p.m.  As this trip is still more than a few weeks away, we will not include all of the details in this letter, but will include a more detailed schedule and instructions closer to the date of the field trip.
We require parent chaperones for this trip who are willing to be leaders of a small group of students for the entire day as well as follow our guidelines for the field trip (will be given out once chaperones are chosen). We will be taking busses and ferries, so we do not require drivers for this trip.
This field trip always generates a lot of interest among parents to chaperone.  Unfortunately, we are only able to take 5 parent chaperones from each class for a couple of reasons:
1.)   We only take one bus to the various locations – we already have 47 students to fit on the bus as well as a number of chaperones.  We cannot take an unlimited number of chaperones for transportation reasons.
2.)   This is a year-end class trip for students to deepen relationships with one   another, not primarily a parent-child bonding time.
We hope that you understand these reasons provided.  If you are interested in volunteering as a chaperone, please indicate that on the form below.  We will send a note home by May 6th notifying those parents who will be needed as chaperones (so that there is sufficient time to book time off work if necessary). 


Mrs.Redfern and Mr. Wu
Grade 5 Teachers

Permission form: (sign and return by Wednesday, April 30th)

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the field trip to Victoria.
_________________________                           _________________________
          (Parent’s Signature)                                                            (Child’s name Print)


_______          I would like to chaperone for this field trip. ________________
                          * Only one parent volunteer per child please.                                            Parent’s Name  (Print)

  Phone Number: _______________ Email:_________________________

Types of Government

We have been learning about the types of government in the world.  We have decided that our classroom is like a dictatorship.  (ha ha)

Click here to view Nathaniel's Presentation on different types of government.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Slavery PowerPoint by Nathaniel

Slavery PowerPoint by Nathaniel.  Nathaniel created this with information that he learned in our Class  study of slavery.
Click to view.
In class we have been learning about slavery. We have read the book "From Slave Ship to Freedom Road" By J. Lester and R. Brown. This book provides a historical and realistic portrayal of the life of a slave in America.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grade 5W News April 14th to 18th

Dear Parents and Students:

Spring and Easter "Christ is Risen"

Here is a brief overview of our learning this week:

Spelling--There is no spelling test because of the shortened week.

Bible--This week we have been reading the Easter story from the Gospel of John.  John provides many interesting and unique details about the events that surround the arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Social Studies-- Students have been learning about the types of government around the world such as a republic, democratic, dictatorship, monarchist, and communist.  In our class discussions, we often refer to a world map and will be reviewing our knowledge of countries, continents, and oceans.

Science--Students have learned that all resources come from the Earth. On Thursday, students will have a test on Chapter 8 in their Science textbooks. We have been reviewing key concepts in class and students should be creating their own study cards and notes in order to prepare for the test.

Writing, Reading and Novel Study-- Students have been reading the novel, "Underground to Canada", a story about a slave girl who escapes from a southern plantation in America and finds freedom in Canada.   After reading a chapter, students are required to complete a series of questions or activities to check comprehension.  We plan to read one or two chapters a day.

Also, students write a journal from the perspective of a slave, slave owner, or abolitionist in response to the book, From Slave Ship to Freedom Road.

Math--We have been learning about time, reading a twelve and 24 hour clock. Students continue to review basic math facts and skills.  Next, we will be learning measurement.

ART/HACE-- We have been reading "A Hat for Ivan" a story about a boy who searches for the hat that fits him best.  Students will be encouraged to discover what they really love in terms of exploring a possible future career or job that best suits their personal interests, abilities, and calling.  Students will create their own hat that displays what they really love to do and what future job that they may enjoy.

Physical Education--Students have enjoyed playing badminton in recent weeks.  We are now turning our attention to track and field in PE classes.  Students will be given opportunities to participate in long jump, high jump, and track events such as the 100, 200, 400, and 800 meter races.  Please ensure that your child has proper footwear and VCS PE uniform on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  If your child is unable to participate in PE class, please write your child a note to give to me.

Finally, students will receive a Vancouver Museum field trip letter this week.  We will need parents to drive and supervise students for this field trip on May 7th.  Please complete and return the permission form by Wednesday, April 23rd.


Grade 5 Teacher

P.S. Thank you to all parents who completed the survey.  I really appreciate your feedback.  There is still time to return the survey forms this week.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Earth Day, April 22nd

Earth Day, April 22, 2014  

By Lauren  

Did you know that in 2013 people used enough plastic water bottles to stretch around the Earth four times?

          Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 to remind people to take care of our environment. It has been forty- four years since then and people still celebrate Earth Day in over one hundred ninety- two countries around the world. On Earth Day many people plant new trees and recycle. Recycling is the simplest and most effective way to help our environment. Many schools also clean up their neighborhoods by picking up garbage.

Finally, we should all try our best to take care of God’s creation on April 22nd and every day.

P.S. Lauren and Julia N. are very excited about Earth Day and will help promote the important theme of taking care of God’s creation at our school.

5W News April 7th to 11th

Dear Parents and Students:

Here is a brief overview of our learning this week:

Spelling--Yesterday, students received a new spelling list #19.  Test is on Friday, April 11th.  In third term, students will be responsible for breaking down a word in syllables and identifying multi-letter phonograms.  Students will be required to write their spelling words in cursive.

Bible and Memory Work--Yesterday, students received a new Bible Memory, I Timothy 2:1-5.  We will be reading I Timothy and learning about the Apostle Paul and the early church.  We will have a test on Friday, April 11th.  Students should practice writing their verses out in cursive. This week we will be focusing on the qualities of leadership displayed by Jesus, Paul, and Timothy.

Social Studies--After studying heritage, immigration, and citizenship, students will be learning about Canada's government.  Hopefully, this will prepare our students for their field trip to Victoria on June 5th.  Also, students read a current events article about General Motors and we had a very interesting discussion about cars made in North America or overseas.  In our class discussions, we often refer to a world map and will be reviewing our knowledge of countries, continents, and oceans.

Science--Over the next few weeks, students will be learning about natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable.  Currently, students are examining the types of resources that are found in British Columbia.

Writing, Reading and Novel Study--Over the next few weeks, students will be reading the novel, "Underground to Canada", a story about a slave girl who escapes from a southern plantation in America and finds freedom in Canada.  Last week students were introduced to the history of slavery in order to provide a historical background to understand the novel.  Also, students wrote about the experiences of a slave and plantation owner while reading aloud in class the book, "From Slave Ship to Freedom Road", a powerful and moving story about the slave trade in America.  This week we will begin reading Underground to Canada.

Finally, students have been working hard on book reports in class.  I hope to post some samples of student work in the next few days.


Grade 5 Teacher

Puberty Lessons Grade 5

Dear Grade 5 Parents,

Grade 5 will have two lessons about puberty on May 14th and May 21st. The boys will meet with Mr. Wu and the girls will meet with Mrs. Redfern.  These lessons have been part of our HACE curriculum for many years.

The boys and girls will discuss physical, social, and emotional changes that they may experience in their lives. 
They will also watch two videos about puberty.

Here is a link to the videos for you to preview and see what they contain.

If you are not comfortable with your child watching them, please contact us.
We will also have a question box for students to ask any of their queries.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

Mr. Wu & Mrs. Redfern

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Grade 5W Second TermReport Cards and Parent Surveys

Dear Grade 5 Parents:

I hope that you had a restful and fun Spring Break with your family.

If you have any questions or comments regarding your child's second term report card, please contact me and return any Blue Forms to the office.

Finally, I would appreciate if you could complete the parent survey forms and return them to the office by Friday, April 11th.


Grade 5 Teacher

Friday, April 4, 2014

The One--A Powerpoint by Nathaniel

This is a PowerPoint by Nathaniel about the book One by Katheryn Otashi. The book is about how a bully can become a friend.
Click here to view

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What Spring Break was Like

Students interviewed another student about their recent holdidays and then made a short report to the class.
Here are some descriptions of what students did over Spring Break:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Grade 5 News March 31st to April 4th

Dear Parents and Students:

Welcome back from Spring Break!  I hope you and your families had a restful and relaxing holiday.  A big thank-you to all the parents who helped with our Heritage Lunch.  We had a wonderful time celebrating the cultural diversity of our school community.

Here is a brief overview of our learning this week:

Spelling--Yesterday, students received a new spelling list #18.  Test is on Friday, April 4th.  In third term, students will be responsible for breaking down a word in syllables and identifying multi-letter phonograms.

Bible and Memory Work--Yesterday, students received a new Bible Memory, I Timothy 1:1-5.  We will be reading I Timothy and learning about the Apostle Paul and the early church.  We will have a test on Friday, April 4th.

Social Studies--After studying heritage, immigration, and citizenship, students will be learning about Canada's government.  Hopefully, this will prepare our students for their field trip to Victoria on June 5th.  Also, students will be reading about current events, such as the "Missing Jetliner Mystery".

Science--Over the next few weeks, students will be learning about natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable.

Writing, Reading and Novel Study--Over the next few weeks, students will be reading the novel, "Underground to Canada", a story about a slave girl who escapes from a southern plantation in America and finds freedom in Canada.  This week students will be introduced to the history of slavery in order to provide a historical background to understand the novel.  Also, students will write about the experiences of a slave and plantation owner while reading aloud in class the book, "From Slave Ship to Freedom Road", a powerful and moving story about the slave trade in America.

Looking forward to a great third term!

