Tuesday, September 30, 2014

5W News Sept.30th

5W News Monday, Sept. 29, 2014

We have had a really great first month of Grade 5.  This afternoon students started their surface texture experiments in Science.  Please check your child's planner about his/her goal of serving others this week.  Please check Mrs.Kawa's blog for French homework.

From our classroom Homework Board:

Date Due
Bible/ BMV
Bible Memory Quiz Psalm 93:1-5
Practice and review on a daily basis
throughout the week.  Students should write out their verses in cursive by Tuesday, Sept.30th.
Friday, Oct.3rd
Soccer Unit continued...We practiced dribbling, passing, and played mini-games.
Students should bring their PE uniform Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
Daily Math Practice Lesson 32
Place Value Decimals ...tenths and hundreths
Social Studies
BC Geography and History continued

Force and Motion...Bring materials for paired surface texture experimentsWednesday, Oct.1st

Writing and Reading
Introduction to Six Traits of Writing and Smart Reading
"Dear Mrs.LaRue"
Writing process and use of COWS (Computers on Wheeels) to complete various written assignments
Thursday, October 2nd, Writing + Voice Title Page Due

Bring Wubuck Store item, used books or toys in good condition, please do NOT buy anything
Friday, Sept. 26th

Picture Day
Wednesday, October 1st
Field Trip
Steveston Cannery--Parent-Drivers please arrive by 9:00 a.m. in the Grade 5W classroom
Monday, October 6th 
Parent-Volunteers wanted
Thank you to all the parents who have considered volunteering this year.  Your help is much appreciated.  
If there are parents who could volunteer in our classroom for 30-60 minutes a week, biweekly, or monthly, please let me know.