Grade 5W News Wednesday, April 15, 2015 From our classroom homework board:
Date Due
Easter story from the Gospel of Luke. Students will memorize their chosen verses from Luke 24 and explain the importance and meaning of the verses. BMV Test on April 20th.
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Spelling Test S-1B
Test April 17th
Finishing a Badminton Unit, then starting Track and Field in preparation for Swangard Stadium Meet on Tuesday, May 26th
Students should bring their PE uniform Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
We have started a new unit on measurement. How are measurement concepts and skills important in our daily lives?
As a reinforcement to concepts and skills taught in class, students may use the math websites below:
Students may complete twenty questions a day.
Also, students may practice and master their math skills using the website
Classroom Measurement Package priority
On-going daily 10 to 15 minutes practice with either
Writing & Reading
Writing and Reading will be connected with our Slavery Unit. What is slavery? Who was involved in the slave trade? Why did slavery exist? How were Christians involved in the history of slavery?
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Reading/Novel Study
Underground to Canada
Students should read a chapter a night and complete questions for each chapter. | |
Social Studies
Citizenship and Government in Canada
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Current Events
"The Cost of War"
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Non-renewable resources
in British Columbia, textbook pp.222-223. Students are debating the the Pros and Cons of opening a Copper Mine in British Columbia
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Students are designing and creating their own unique T-Shirt, Dress, Sweatshirt
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Healthy Relationships
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Field Trips and Special Events
| Heritage Lunch | Friday, April 17th |
Grandparent and Pastor Day | Tuesday, April 21st | |
Early Dismissal | Wednesday, April 29th |
Please note that some students may have completed the above homework assignments in class, therefore they may not have any homework written in their planner. I appreciate parents checking and signing planners on a daily basis. If you ever feel that your child is doing too little or too much homework, please let me know. At the Grade 5 level, we think that 45 minutes a night is a recommended guideline.Thank you,Mr.Wu