Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 30-February 3rd

Here is a brief overview of topics that are being covered in class:

Math--Two and three digit multiplication, mental math, word problems.  Students may view this website for math practice:

Science--Machines do work for us, fun games, activities, about simple and complex machines
We are studying chapter 3 in the BC Science PROBE 5.

Bible--The Gospel of Luke, we are examining the ministry of Jesus from Luke's perspective.

Physical Education--We have completed our basketball unit and will focus on skipping, fitness, and floor hockey.

Social Studies--Regions of Canada, World Geography, current events

HACE--Wellness Posters, wellness means physical, mental, emotional, and relational health

Reading/Novel Studies--Individual book reports and oral presentations

Writing--Poems, similes and metaphors, definition poems--Here are some student samples:

  • "A diamond is a shining star in the night sky." by Keileen
  • "The radio was as loud as a thunder storm." by Katrina
  • "My success is like winning a shiny, golden one hundred bill in a bright rainbow casino." by Paige
  • "A piano is as loud as a jutebox in a large four-star hotel." by Marcus
  • "Sheep play piano like smart Mozarts." by Santiago
  • "His buddy's boss' face looked like a bloody red tomato." by Sunny