Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bible Memory Verse Psalm 139:13-16

This week's Bible Memory verse comes from the Living Translation and is in the student handout about the human body.  

Psalm 139:13-16Living Bible (TLB)

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. 15 You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! 16 You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

5W News April 28th to May 1st

Grade 5W News    Tuesday, April 28, 2015
From our classroom homework board:
Date Due
Psalm 139:13-16
Practice during the week and answer questions related to the wonder of God’s creation—a human being.  These verses connect to our study of the human body

BMV Quiz Monday, May 4th
No Spelling Test this week

Track and Field Unit
Intra-School Track Meet at VCS, Thursday, May 7th
Students should bring their PE uniform Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
Measurement Unit continued…
Students are learning concepts such as length, width, depth, perimeter, area, capacity, and volume.  Students are learning to use the appropriate tools to use in everyday day life situations.

As a reinforcement to concepts and skills taught in class, students may use the math websites below:

While our Math IXL for a free 30 day trial has expired.   Students may complete twenty questions a day.

Also, students may practice and master their math skills using the website

On-going daily 10 to 15 minutes practice with either


Writing & Reading
Writing and Reading will be connected with our Slavery Unit.  Students are writing from the perspective of slaves leaving Africa and coming to the New Land

Reading/Novel Study
Underground to Canada
A novel about a slave who escapes and finds freedom through the Underground Railway to Canada.
Continuing this week, students should read at least a  chapter a day and complete chapter questions and assignments
Social Studies
Citizenship and Government in Canada

Current Events

Chapter 10, “Non-Renewable Resources”
Students are presenting their viewpoints about opening a copper mine in British Columbia.

As an Intermediate theme, grade 4 and 5 students are learning about the human body over the next few weeks.
Chapter Review p.229 Wednesday, April 29th
Study notes or cards April 30th,
Chapter 10 Test Friday, May 1st
Students are designing their own personal piece of clothing

Healthy Relationships and Bullying

French Test Section A
May 1st
Field Trips and Special Events
Early Dismissal
April 29, 2015

Reader's Theater Club 3:15-4:00 p.m
Thursday, April 30th

Dress-up as your favorite character in a novel
Friday, May 1st

Please note that some students may have completed the above homework assignments in class, therefore they may not have any homework written in their planner.  I appreciate parents checking and signing planners on a daily basis.  If you ever feel that your child is doing too little or too much homework, please let me know.  At the Grade 5 level, we think that 45 minutes a night is a recommended guideline.
Thank you,


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Heritage Lunch

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Heritage lunch (Friday, April 17) – We are finishing up Immigration and Heritage studies with a celebration lunch, enjoying foods of all of our various cultures.  From the RSVPs I’ve received, we will have over 80 of us enjoying the feast!   Thank you to the many parents and even grandparents who have volunteered to help with set up and/or clean-up – your assistance is very much appreciated, and because there are so many of you sharing the workload, “Many hands make light work.” 

Please label all food with ingredients, country of origin, and instructions for warming up or refrigeration requirements.  Also, please remember to write your name on your plate or dish to take home after the lunch.  Remember all food should be NUT/Peanut free!

Upcoming puberty teaching and discussion – As part of our HACE (Health and Career education) curriculum, we will be having 2 sessions in mid-May on puberty.  By the end of this week, you will receive an email with information, including dates, what we will be teaching, and how we set up these sessions.  If you do not receive an email, or you have changed email addresses recently, please notify Mr.Wu.

Victoria field trip is coming soon!!! We have booked the ferries, buses, museum and Parliament tour!  The date of this field trip is Thursday, June 11.  Please avoid booking any appointments for your child on this day as we will be gone from 7:00am – 7:30pm.  We will provide you with the details of the day as well as a permission form at the beginning of May



Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 21, 2015

Grade 5W News    Tuesday, April 21,  2015 From our classroom homework board:

Date Due
Students will begin a new study about the early church and I Timothy. Students will memorize I Timothy 1:1-3 and explain the importance and meaning of the verses.   BMV Test on April 28th.                

Spelling Test S-1B
Test April 27th

We are starting Track and Field in preparation for Swangard Stadium Meet on Tuesday, May 26th

Students should bring their PE uniform Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
We have started a new unit on measurement.  How are measurement concepts and skills important in our daily lives?

As a reinforcement to concepts and skills taught in class, students may use the math websites below:

Students may complete twenty questions a day.

Also, students may practice and master their math skills using the website

Classroom Measurement Package priority

On-going daily 10 to 15 minutes practice with either


Writing & Reading
Writing and Reading will be connected with our Slavery Unit. What is slavery?  Who was involved in the slave trade?  Why did slavery exist?  How were Christians involved in the history of slavery?

Reading/Novel Study
Underground to Canada

Students should read a chapter a night and complete questions for each chapter.

Social Studies

Citizenship and Government in Canada

Current Events
"Vancouver Oil Spill"

Non-renewable resources
in British Columbia, textbook pp.222-223. Students are debating the the Pros and Cons of opening a Copper Mine in British Columbia. 

We will be beginning a new intermediate unit on the HUMAN BODY next week. 

Students are designing and creating their own unique T-Shirt, Dress, Sweatshirt.  

Healthy Relationships


Field Trips and Special Events

Grandparent and Pastor DayTuesday, April 21st

Early Dismissal Wednesday, April 29th

Please note that some students may have completed the above homework assignments in class, therefore they may not have any homework written in their planner.  I appreciate parents checking and signing planners on a daily basis.  If you ever feel that your child is doing too little or too much homework, please let me know.  At the Grade 5 level, we think that 45 minutes a night is a recommended guideline.
Thank you,Mr.Wu

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Grade 5, April 8 to 10, 2015

Grade 5W News    Wednesday, April 15,  2015 From our classroom homework board:

Date Due
Easter story from the Gospel of Luke.  Students will memorize their chosen verses from Luke 24 and explain the importance and meaning of the verses.   BMV Test on April 20th.                

Spelling Test S-1B
Test April 17th

Finishing a Badminton Unit, then starting Track and Field in preparation for Swangard Stadium Meet on Tuesday, May 26th

Students should bring their PE uniform Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
We have started a new unit on measurement.  How are measurement concepts and skills important in our daily lives?

As a reinforcement to concepts and skills taught in class, students may use the math websites below:

Students may complete twenty questions a day.

Also, students may practice and master their math skills using the website

Classroom Measurement Package priority

On-going daily 10 to 15 minutes practice with either


Writing & Reading
Writing and Reading will be connected with our Slavery Unit.  What is slavery?  Who was involved in the slave trade?  Why did slavery exist?  How were Christians involved in the history of slavery?

Reading/Novel Study
Underground to Canada

Students should read a chapter a night and complete questions for each chapter.

Social Studies

Citizenship and Government in Canada

Current Events
"The Cost of War"

Non-renewable resources
in British Columbia, textbook pp.222-223. Students are debating the the Pros and Cons of opening a Copper Mine in British Columbia

Students are designing and creating their own unique T-Shirt, Dress, Sweatshirt

Healthy Relationships


Field Trips and Special Events
Heritage LunchFriday, April 17th

Grandparent and Pastor DayTuesday, April 21st

Early Dismissal Wednesday, April 29th

Please note that some students may have completed the above homework assignments in class, therefore they may not have any homework written in their planner.  I appreciate parents checking and signing planners on a daily basis.  If you ever feel that your child is doing too little or too much homework, please let me know.  At the Grade 5 level, we think that 45 minutes a night is a recommended guideline.Thank you,Mr.Wu