Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15th - 18th 5W News

Dear Grade 5 Parents and Students,
I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  I enjoyed many workshops learning about Art, Math, technology, and Apple Apps for teaching, at a two-day Professional Development Conference in Langley.
Thank you to all our parent-drivers who participated in a great field trip to the Cannery field trip in Richmond last week. Students learned a lot about how simple machines were used to process salmon.
Our next field trip will be to Fort Langley on Wednesday, November 6th.  We will need parent-drivers for this field trip also.  A permission form will be sent home this week.
Next week will be Bear Creek Run in Surrey on Wednesday, October 23rd.  Mr.Dmitruk will send home a permission form this week to all students involved in the Bear Creek Run.
Last week, students received a weekly schedule and a homework guidelines page.  Regular weekly homework may include Bible Memory, Spelling, and assignments in other subjects.  Please remember that some students may require more or less time completing homework assignments than other students.
Homework - It is recommended that students spend between 30 and 50 minutes doing homework a night. The purpose of homework is to review and build core skills, complete class assignments, bridge learning between home and school and to study for evaluations. It is always hard to work this out for each child as they all work and learn at different speeds and need to spend more time in different areas.  The amount of time spent on homework may depend on the individual student  in terms of  effort, focus, and efficiency.  The homework page describes the regular homework in certain subjects that students will have and descriptions of how to complete them as well as suggestions to help learn or memorize. Ways to study for tests will be taught throughout the year and attached to review sheets. Also, there will be a sheet describing what a typical day could look like. However, please work out with your child what order and spread of the workload works best for them. Please remember assigned homework with a due date takes priority. On days where students have less assigned work, they can choose other skills to work on or review what they are learning in class.  Please contact me if you have further questions or comments about homework in Grade 5.
Typing Tutor -  We will be focusing on improving typing skills in computer class especially this first half of the year. However, we don’t have enough computer time for students to become proficient at typing. We have created an account for each at http://www.typingweb.com/tutor/. The progress and results are logged for us to see. Please encourage your child to practice at home, and check for proper fingering!