Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Early Dismissal Day Wednesday, February 26th and Heritage Poster Checklist

Dear Parents and Students:

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an Early Dismissal Day!

Below is a checklist for the Heritage Poster/Collage that is due on March 4th:

-Family Tree

-Family Heritage Paragraph(s)

-research at least 10 or more interesting facts about your country and culture

-paragraph summarizing research about country and culture



-border and symbols

-short paragraph about borders and symbols used

-1-3 family photos

Students have class time to complete their poster, but may need time to work at home if they need to use websites or computers to type their final copies because our class computer time is limited.

We will offer an optional after school time this Thursday 3-4 p.m. for students to work on their Heritage Posters.  Please let me know if you have further questions.


Grade 5 Teacher

P.S. Below is another example of a Heritage Poster from last year: