Thursday, October 23, 2014

FORT DAY Friday, October 24th

This Friday (October 24th), Grade 5 students will spend the morning participating in various hands-on activities related to what we have been learning about in our Social Studies unit on Fur Trading and Fort Langley.  We will start with a simple breakfast altogether, and then students will attend two sessions (one before recess and one after recess), which will end with sharing lunch together. Here are some details about the day:
1.) We will make (and eat!) fort food.
Voyageurs who traveled between forts were known for eating porridge, peas, and pork.  First Nations contributed bannock and dried fruit to the forts.  So we will start off the school day with some porridge (oatmeal).  Then students will participate in a session of helping to prepare split pea soup (with pork sausage in it) and bannock bread for lunch, with dried fruit for dessert. Depending on your child’s appetite for these types of food, they may choose to eat breakfast and lunch at school, or they may supplement with their own food from home.  Thank you to Mrs. Ho and Mrs. Musleh for volunteering to help Mrs. Gysbers in the kitchen!
2.) We will try out some fort games and activities.
Mr. Wu will lead students in various activities that will bring them back in time to what fur traders and voyageurs participated in.  Students may bring marbles, checkers, or a deck of cards.  Students will have the option to try smoked or canned salmon on crackers.  Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.
Students do not need to bring anything to Fort Day.  If students wish to dress up, they may wear “pioneer” type clothing or clothing you would expect to see in a “frontier town” (students should know what this means).  It is not mandatory, and if students do choose to dress up, please keep in mind that we will be cooking and doing activities that require easy movement.
If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs. Gysbers or Mr. Wu.
We look forward to a fun-filled day!
Mrs.Gysbers and Mr.Wu