Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5W News April 28th to May 2nd

Here is a brief overview of our learning this week:

Spelling--Today, students received their marked spelling tests from Monday and got a new spelling list also. Test is on Friday, May 2nd.  In third term, students will be responsible for breaking down a word in syllables and identifying multi-letter phonograms.  Students will be required to write their spelling words in cursive.

Bible and Memory Work--Last week we had interesting class discussions about godliness and how we could be "godly" and "young" examples to others.  Today, students received a new Bible Memory,
I Timothy 5:1-4.  We have be reading I Timothy and learning about the Apostle Paul, his young apprentice Timothy, and the early church.  We will have a BMV test on Monday, May 5th.  Students should review writing their verses out in cursive. This week we will be focusing on Paul's instructions to Timothy regarding elders, young men and women, and widows.

Social Studies--After studying heritage, immigration, and citizenship, students will be learning about Canada's government.  Hopefully, this will prepare our students for their field trip to Victoria on June 5th.  Also, students read a current events article about Jim Flaherty, the former Finance Minister.  In our class discussions, we often refer to a world map and will be reviewing our knowledge of countries, continents, and oceans in preparation of the our school's "Around the World: Geography Challenge".

Science--Students have learned about natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Currently, students are working together to develop a conservation plan for our school.  We will share our best ideas of renewing, reusing, and reducing in class.

Math--Currently, we are in the middle of a measurement unit.  Students are learning about measurement terms, abbreviations, and skills, such as finding perimeter and area.

Writing, Reading and Novel Study--Students are reading the novel, "Underground to Canada", a story about a slave girl who escapes from a southern plantation in America and finds freedom in Canada.  Currently, we are on Chapter 10 and are learning about the Underground Railway.

Also, students wrote about the experiences of a slave and plantation owner while reading aloud in class the book, "From Slave Ship to Freedom Road", a powerful and moving story about the slave trade in America.  Often, students are encouraged to write from the perspective of a slave, slave owner, or abolitionist.

HACE and ART--After reading "A Hat for Ivan", students have been asked to create a hat that displays a possible future job or career that is consistent with their interests and talents.  Also, students have been encouraged to explore and research jobs that they may love through reading books in the library or searching websites on the computer.

Physical Education--Students are having opportunities to practice long jump, high jump, soft-ball throw and running in preparation for the up-coming Intra-School Track Meet on May 8th and the Track Meet at Swangard Stadium on May 27th.

Finally, a big thank-you to all parents who have volunteered to drive and chaperone for the Vancouver Museum field trip on May 7th.  This will be a great opportunity for students to experience what Vancouver was like when I was growing-up.


Grade 5 Teacher