Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Grade 5 Victoria Field Trip on June 5, 2014

Grade 5 Victoria Field Trip on June 5, 2014

Dear Grade 5 Parents/Guardians,                                                            April 23, 2014

            It is hard to believe, but the annual Grade 5 field trip to Victoria will soon be here!  We will be going to Victoria on Thursday, June 5, 2014. This trip includes visiting the BC Museum and the Legislature and fits into our Social Studies Government unit.  For this field trip, we will be leaving VCS at 7:00 a.m. SHARP and will return to the school around 7:15 p.m.  As this trip is still more than a few weeks away, we will not include all of the details in this letter, but will include a more detailed schedule and instructions closer to the date of the field trip.
We require parent chaperones for this trip who are willing to be leaders of a small group of students for the entire day as well as follow our guidelines for the field trip (will be given out once chaperones are chosen). We will be taking busses and ferries, so we do not require drivers for this trip.
This field trip always generates a lot of interest among parents to chaperone.  Unfortunately, we are only able to take 5 parent chaperones from each class for a couple of reasons:
1.)   We only take one bus to the various locations – we already have 47 students to fit on the bus as well as a number of chaperones.  We cannot take an unlimited number of chaperones for transportation reasons.
2.)   This is a year-end class trip for students to deepen relationships with one   another, not primarily a parent-child bonding time.
We hope that you understand these reasons provided.  If you are interested in volunteering as a chaperone, please indicate that on the form below.  We will send a note home by May 6th notifying those parents who will be needed as chaperones (so that there is sufficient time to book time off work if necessary). 


Mrs.Redfern and Mr. Wu
Grade 5 Teachers

Permission form: (sign and return by Wednesday, April 30th)

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the field trip to Victoria.
_________________________                           _________________________
          (Parent’s Signature)                                                            (Child’s name Print)


_______          I would like to chaperone for this field trip. ________________
                          * Only one parent volunteer per child please.                                            Parent’s Name  (Print)

  Phone Number: _______________ Email:_________________________