Monday, May 12, 2014

5W Week of May 12th to 16th

Dear Students and Parents:

Here is a brief overview of our week:

Writing and Reading--We are nearing the end of our novel study, Underground to Canada.  Students will need to write a book report by Wednesday, May 14th.  Also, students will have a test on Thursday, May 15th. Students should review the chapter questions and answers in preparation for the unit test.

Math--We are continuing to learn about measurement.  Students are reminded to do two sets of twenty questions in the measurement section on the IXL website.  Remember to log-in as a "guest".

Social Studies--Today, we read a current events article about "West Jet".  We will continue to learn about government in Canada.

Science--We are learning about renewable resources like trees, fish, animals, and water.  Currently, we are reading pages 184-187.  We plan to finish Chapter 9 by the end of next week, then have a chapter test.

HACE and ART--Students are exploring and researching what future careers/jobs they would like to pursue. Students have designed their own original hats and are encouraged to find out the steps, training, education, and skills necessary to obtain their dream job.

Breanna wants to work with horses.

Kyle wants to be a pastor.

PE -- Students participated in the Intra-school track meet on Friday.  By the end of this week students should know if they will go to the Swangard Track and Field Meet on Tuesday, May 27th.

Due to the shortened week there are no Spelling or Bible Memory tests this week.

Upcoming Events this week:

Wednesday, May 14th--Class Picture Day, 1st Puberty Class

Thursday, May 15th--Race Around the World--Round 3 of our school's geography challenge

Friday, May 16th--Sports Day 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  (please pick your child up by NOON)